(GSK = Gerauscharme Spiegelreflexkamera or low-noise reflex camera). Stasi surveillance camera + 50mm f2.8 (SO-3.2) + 135mm f3.5 (SO-3.4) ‘Sonderoptik’ lenses. Approximately 6,000 of these cameras – based on a Praktica but with a semi-silvered pellicle mirror and a built in motor-drive – were made, all exclusively for the Stasi. However, it’s quite likely that many have subsequently been destroyed or disposed of – particularly immediately after the fall of the GDR when owning such a camera, with its associations with the Stasi, would have been undesirable. The lenses have a fixed iris and a 36mm thread mount and are supplied with an adapter for them to be fitted to this m42 mount camera. It requires an external 9v (DC) power supply. 50mm lens not pictured.